Brooke Betsuie
2018 NASEP Participant
Yá’áh’tééh! My name is Brooke Betsuie and I am Diné. Naasht'ézhi Táábáhá níshłí, Kinłichii’nii bashishchiin, Kiyaa'áanii dashicheii, Tó'aheedlíinii dashinali. I’m also going to be a senior and I am from White Mesa, Arizona which is in between Tuba City, AZ and Kaibeto, AZ. Some of my hobbies include riding horses, playing basketball, and painting. This year I was part of the 2018-2019 NASEP cohort and I’m so appreciative of all the opportunities that were presented to me this week. Being part of this program allowed me to push myself out of my comfort zone and make so many new friends.